Coronavirus – Latest News

2nd November 2020

Unfortunately, The Saxon Day Centre has to close again as required by the Government’s latest announcement on 30th October. Please also see our Donate page and consider helping to keep the Saxon Day Centre viable through these difficult times.

19th October 2020 – The Saxon Day Centre is now open!

After months of hard work by staff and volunteers, we are pleased to announce that the Saxon Day Centre is once again open and ready to welcome back those who have been unable to attend the centre since March 17th.

A lot of changes have been made to the facilities and to our procedures since March, to make sure that we have a Covid-secure environment for everyone attending, working at, or visiting the Centre but we are also determined that this ‘new normal’ will not prevent us from continuing to provide a full range of activities to support the physical and mental wellbeing of our clients.

The building may look different but the care and support from our dedicated team of staff and volunteers remains unchanged.

We know there are tough times ahead and we are still looking at ways to ensure the long term future of the Centre but are excited to be able to welcome back those we have missed since lockdown and others in our community who might also enjoy and benefit from the services and care we provide.

Further news and updates will be shared via our social media pages but if you, or someone you know or care for, might be interested in attending the Saxon Day Centre, please contact our Manager, Nicole for further information.

August 2020 – we are working hard to open the centre as soon as we can

Lockdown has been tough but especially so for the frail elderly members of our community, their families and carers. So since temporarily closing the Saxon Day Centre to clients in March, we have endeavoured to keep in touch with everybody by phone and have continued to deal with enquiries about the Centre and to offer support where we can.

As a charity we are dependent on client fees to pay our staff and bills. This is a challenging time but thankfully we have been able to make use of the Government job retention scheme to furlough some of our staff. We are applying for grants where we can, in the hope that we can mitigate our lack of income during this period. Moreover, the Trustees, together with our new Centre Manager, Nicole, and her team have been have been working on a plan to re-open the Centre as soon as this is possible – although initially this is likely to be with (much) reduced client numbers to ensure everyone is kept safe.

It is a huge task to make the Centre and our Day Care services Covid secure. New procedures must be developed and each and every corner of the building thoroughly cleaned. We are also taking the opportunity to redecorate and reorganise, so that when we open the Centre will be brighter and better than before. All this is being achieved because of the hard work and support of our amazing team of staff and volunteers.

Overall this has been a very challenging time but we are determined to continue with our stated vision to offer a thriving and affordable daycare centre and to provide valued services to meet the demand of the elderly in the Orpington & District community.

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